President Elect Barack Obama Addresses Some Loyal Followers after the election. We catch him in the middle of his speech.
Now, tell me, have I ever led you astray? What can I do to make sure that not only will you like me, but follow every word that I ever say for the rest of my life and love me so unconditionally that it hurts just to think about. Like a new puppy, just like the one I am getting for Michelle and the Kids when we get to our new house. I hear it is pretty neat, by the way. Is that something you could do for me?
“Yes We Can.”
I know this might be a lot to ask, but could you give me a little time to figure out this whole economic mess. Those effing (Michelle does not allow me to swear or I have to put a $100 bill from our campaign donations into a jar marked “New Shoes. I don’t get it. Oh well,) bankers on Wall Street have been piddling around too goddamned (wups. . . there is one for the jar) long for me to swoop in and really roll some heads. I mean, I can’t even find the office for the Lehman Brothers anymore. (What? What do you mean the Lehman Brothers. . . oh. Okay.) I promise you that my staff and I will put in our due diligence to make sure you fine folks on Main Street can stay in your homes and be able to afford some nice amenities like this cool iPod Touch I just bought so I can keep up all my favorite downloads on iTunes. Could you find it within yourselves the patience and strength to endure this crisis we face?
“Yes We Can.”

I know that my opponent John and some of his cohorts said some pretty bad things about me. I do not need to repeat them here, in polite company. Though, I have to say, it really hurts when he said, time after time after time, that I do not have the experience to be an effective leader in the highest office in the world. I mean, I am a natural born leader. As a community organizer I got things done and helped the people around me. As a member of the United States Senate I have done lots of great things within the realm of the Democratic Party and, well, at least we tried to get things done. Really though, just take a look at my campaign? Is there anybody else in the world that could have subjugated (ahem … recruited) an entire generation of America’s youth to panhandle on the streets of this great country for my great effort? If that is not experience in leadership, I don’t know what is.
Now, tell me, have I ever led you astray? What can I do to make sure that not only will you like me, but follow every word that I ever say for the rest of my life and love me so unconditionally that it hurts just to think about. Like a new puppy, just like the one I am getting for Michelle and the Kids when we get to our new house. I hear it is pretty neat, by the way. Is that something you could do for me?
“Yes We Can.”
I know this might be a lot to ask, but could you give me a little time to figure out this whole economic mess. Those effing (Michelle does not allow me to swear or I have to put a $100 bill from our campaign donations into a jar marked “New Shoes. I don’t get it. Oh well,) bankers on Wall Street have been piddling around too goddamned (wups. . . there is one for the jar) long for me to swoop in and really roll some heads. I mean, I can’t even find the office for the Lehman Brothers anymore. (What? What do you mean the Lehman Brothers. . . oh. Okay.) I promise you that my staff and I will put in our due diligence to make sure you fine folks on Main Street can stay in your homes and be able to afford some nice amenities like this cool iPod Touch I just bought so I can keep up all my favorite downloads on iTunes. Could you find it within yourselves the patience and strength to endure this crisis we face?
“Yes We Can.”

I know we have a war going on. I also must thank you once again for not believing your neighbor on Main Street who told you I was a no-good dirty little terrorist. I mean, my name is Obama, not Osama. Hussein? Just a coincidence, I assure you. Also, Bill Ayers is really a pretty neat guy when you get to know him. Anyway, I respect what you and your kin in our esteemed Armed Forces are doing for our country. Extending American Imperialism into the Middle East would not have been such a rousing success without you. All branches of the American government extend a hand in thanks. That being said, my predecessor may have taken things a bit too far. I would love to say that he had all of our best intentions in his heart, but, well, really. Have you been paying attention the last eight years? That is why I am here now, to provide a message of hope and battle the military industrial complex to make sure that all of your hard earned tax dollars do not end up in the pocket of some weapons manufacturer who has been promising the same jet for the last seven years. (Though, I hear that is also pretty neat too.) Can you follow me, my American brethren, as I lead us into a new world order where people once again respect the values and determination of the American People and of the United States of America? What say you?
“Yes We Can.”
And while you are at it, get a couple people together and get me a ham sandwich. Don’t be afraid, I have a better metabolism than Mama
Cass. Can you do that for me?
“Yes We Can.”

I know that my opponent John and some of his cohorts said some pretty bad things about me. I do not need to repeat them here, in polite company. Though, I have to say, it really hurts when he said, time after time after time, that I do not have the experience to be an effective leader in the highest office in the world. I mean, I am a natural born leader. As a community organizer I got things done and helped the people around me. As a member of the United States Senate I have done lots of great things within the realm of the Democratic Party and, well, at least we tried to get things done. Really though, just take a look at my campaign? Is there anybody else in the world that could have subjugated (ahem … recruited) an entire generation of America’s youth to panhandle on the streets of this great country for my great effort? If that is not experience in leadership, I don’t know what is.
John and Sarah really had a great campaign. It is not really John’s fault that he could not mobilize the type of support I did. John is a cool guy but the supporters in his age demographic cannot really get out there and hit the streets like my kids could. It is hard to ask people for money when you are clutching onto your walker, you know what I am saying? Anyway, what I am saying is that John and Sarah were really gracious in the end and that is all that matters. Right? John has got some work to do in the Senate creating bills that I will probably veto, but at least the man still tries. I think we should bond together and support John and his cohorts so we can forge a new, bipartisan Senate that might try to get things done. How about it folks, can we cut John some slack?
“Yes We Can.”
Finally, my friends, I would just like to welcome everybody to my administration. To celebrate, Michelle and I will be holding a pot-luck dinner in the West Wing on Inauguration Night and we hope that everyone can attend. The girls will be there too so don’t forget to bring something sweet. I am partial to Chinese food (I am brushing up on my cultural exchanges, mmmm, moo-shoo pork) so make sure you come prepared. Just know that, even if you find the best pork lo-mein in the world, I cannot reward anybody with government positions for such donations. (*Wink Wink Nudge Nudge*) Really.
“Yes We Can.”
Finally, my friends, I would just like to welcome everybody to my administration. To celebrate, Michelle and I will be holding a pot-luck dinner in the West Wing on Inauguration Night and we hope that everyone can attend. The girls will be there too so don’t forget to bring something sweet. I am partial to Chinese food (I am brushing up on my cultural exchanges, mmmm, moo-shoo pork) so make sure you come prepared. Just know that, even if you find the best pork lo-mein in the world, I cannot reward anybody with government positions for such donations. (*Wink Wink Nudge Nudge*) Really.